Best free ping test google reddit. com >> yourlogfile.

Best free ping test google reddit. They have a free version for monitoring up to 10 things.

Best free ping test google reddit (* because you don't pay in $$, you pay in time spent hand-crafting config files, or doing the setup manually). We've already got Kaseya for all the windows stations we cover, so I'm not looking for a full-featured monitoring solution. Next best is having a powerful server very close by. Eu and Na data center works, but it can’t find JPtime is out. 8 is so memorable its easy just to ping it, even for a quick connectivity check if say DNS is offline. The reason for MOS is out of order is just as bad for calls as jitter. I see a lot of high dl/ul speed posts and high latency and jitter. I tried I work from home and my clients are from abroad, hence, I'm required to submit a ping test everyday through the windows + r and cmd promt. Then there are the open-source/free* options. 3. Any host that doesn't down prioritize responding to ping works for testing. It's a hell of complicated thing to run traffic from 2 IP's off of a shitty stock NIC that most people have while somehow magically reducing ping. You need to try to ping something mabye google dns at 8. net, fast and others, and I'd like to know which if any you trust for accuracy? I'm currently diagnosing my home LAN because we upgraded to GB Hello, Was gaming a bit today and noticed i was getting these insanely massive ping spikes that would last for roughly a minute at a time. com -t. This led me to open Command Prompt all the time doing something like ping -t google. I agree with that. com but high ping on games like cs:go, valorant,LoL, r6,FiveM. Verified game files. I was using fast. Ping Test? I've read and did a ping test with google but cannot seem to figure out how to do so with iracing. Turned everything off except for RL. com. Speedtest will give you a vague idea of your connection. I'm using this to test out a number of VPNs, so I need something that is consistently repeatable, Google speed test is telling me my latency is 292ms which is f**** ridiculous, however, my ISP insists it's not accurate and tells me to use speedtest. any help would be awesome! A rioter commented with the best pings to ping in command control. I figured people might be interested to know what the Test virtual Data Center does for ping for east coaster. 6. The only thing that's res is the input buffer target. Ping is affected by the hosts file. com and also a VPN server we connect to at work. Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. ) That's possibly what's happening here since the ping remains the same from Edmonton all the way to Toronto. The thing is, I don't have the money to pay right now for the vpn (about $6 a month, but adding that to ESEA, spotfy, netflix, amazon prime, etc, etc, it's not something I can do right now). A. com and no joke, said they were getting 800mbps. So, Short story, I keep getting massive ping spikes (goes from around 50 ms to 400 ms for a few seconds and then goes back to normal) and I did a ping test on a website, gave the same result to me with the massive ping spikes, but when I do it in command prompt, The ping seems to be completely fine, Going from around 50 to 60, Using something like winMTR or pingplotter would be better for ping/jitter tests. 131. 1 and 8. No change. 3 EUNE: 104. google. For a while I would get maybe 20-30 successful replies then maybe 1 or 2 dropped packets. Priorities: Hi everyone! I managed to get a beta key for this weekend. Hello! I’m a long lurker of this community and I seek some discussion/resolution. ping 192. EasyNetMonitor won't accept the SMTP settings that I know work (have it working on multiple printers) so I'm assuming it's something to do with the TLS version it uses, since I think Microsoft no longer accepts the In short, I'm looking for recommendations for a simple ping monitoring software. I retested the ping again but, Google's ping is around 30ms and YouTube's ping also the same. If its like >80% of your plan speed, its good enough. I was wondering if anyone knew of a free ping monitor like EMCO Ping Monitor. Whatever causes the largest jump in latency is the bottleneck on your connection to Google. Connect your PC to your internet output by Ethernet (No Wifi). Feel free to test other cloud providers to see if your isp has good routing to stuff outside of google. Kind of curious what kind of connection people are playing on. 168. txt ping /n 1 www. I know people that have trouble launching a command prompt and sending tracert and ping -t. I will now ping 4. Give your ISP a call so you can go through some of their checks first, explain about the speed test ping readings. The knowledge article indicates that I can run a network test from the app with a free membership; however, the GeForce Now free membership is not currently being offered. But bear in mind though that if your VPS is really cheap, it might go down more often than your WAN link. open file in notepad++ ctrl+F "ping request could not find" If there are 0 results, then you are getting DNS answers. But actually I have changed my connection from their telecom broadband to Fibre connection and their telecom broadband used to give good ping but the plan was too small so to get bigger and better plans I switched to their fibre connection. net being inaccurate (at least as far as ping goes) and they're pretty correct. com (and hitting Ctrl-F5 to bust the cache) since it was so fast to load and so I didn't have to switch to a terminal. So I decided to do a ping test in command prompt. Seeing as I live very far from the servers, I have some ping issues (nothing MAJOR I guess?) I've been wondering. Solved! TIL that is a very bad practice to ping 8. I know google is the problem but its been happening for a week now. Or Smokeping on Windows with cygwin. If someone with bad ping could try, could someone try out 1. Free VPNs are shit for gaming. I am going to give my info but if anyone else Across the world thats testing wants to post thier ping comparisons to get a feel for the shift pending on where you are feel free. GPU usage and heating question In ping test it's about a 60 median, and 60ms in league, 30~40 in apex, but it looks fine in pinging google server - around 15. 1 cloudflare DNS server. At the end of 5 minutes, I'd check and see a 2% loss. Observium is awesome, but if you're not really familiar with systems then don't bother. I've reinstalled RL. For voice specific, a tool for testing MOS score is your best bet. com is around 84 ms and YouTube is around 120 + ms. I ran ‘ping google. When I ask these people to ping shit when they have a problem, they usually have not even tried that. ( unless you're playing Quake 3 CPMA while connected to Mullvad?) Instead, I would just manually test servers in a few geographies by running speedtest. I don't need all the bells, whistles, and integrations. Upload is a little tougher, maybe upload a large file to dropbox or google drive? Latency is easy, just ping google while running the test ping google. How can I do this ? I'm still a bit of a newbie in the networking arena, not sure what I could SAFELY set uptimerobot to ping on my network from the outside. May subscribe to exitlag if during the 3 days of trial the ping in all games is improved and there are no spikes. 3 In a 10 minute test on each device there is about 8 high ping spikes and normally a couple completely failed. So paying for 2000 Solarwinds monitoring nodes is silly at this point. It keeps saying "request time out" (or something similar). Ping is affected by cache. If anyone knows of some way of keeping security tight, while allowing an outside source to ping something inside that would be great! EDIT2: Wow, that was fast, thank you, this is why reddit is great! Aws, gcp and azure should be good enough. net suggests a local node based on your IP address. de whatever Agree with the other folks that "best ping" is probably not what you're trying to optimize for 50ms more or less shouldn't really be noticeable. You should test pinging a local device first, like your router directly. Try Use Speedtest on all your devices with our free desktop and mobile apps. Using windscribe free through german castle server I get 40-50 ping, also with exitlag 40-45 which I am testing and feels much better. Literally impossible lol Also, MPLS networks often give the illusion of a sudden latency spike because of how the TTL exceeded packets are forwarded. But I really need Google Wifi is the mesh-capable wireless router designed by Google to provide Wi-Fi coverage and handle multiple active devices at the same time. I was thinking pull the figures into a spreadsheet and you could do a graph easily enough, but you don't need to count - when you ctrl-c or otherwise terminate the ping command, it gives you stats of packets sent, received and lost for the duration of that run. So the most accurate speed test (and the only one that gives me 1gb) is done by the ISP itself. Whatever speed test site you use that's always the same. Or whatever. I just need something that is going to monitor 20+ devices on a switch per site and give me a time stamp or aleart when a device goes offline. maybe this question is kind of noob. I run a cmd ping test and it's steady 20-21ms and then the second any speedtest starts testing the upload speeds, my ping shoots up to 100ms+. More and more people do exactly what you did OP, and finally Google says "enough!" Really it would be better if Thanks for the answer! I tried it. Even though I do experience lag issues. Reset my router. Then I started using a program called Exitlag (I used the free trial for 7 days), and it lowered my ping from 180 to 130ms by finding the best "routes" to connect to the server. Something with a 1-2 week trial would even work. Ran as admin. When I Google the question I get products like PingPlotter and MultiPing which, while being very robust, cost quite a In an app I use for voice chat, Discord, it shows my ping. Ping jitter is the important part and a random quick ping test won't tell the whole story. I check on our firewall and the traceroute and ping frame from the Aruba are both ICMP and allowed. The free version of EMCO Ping Monitor has done well for me but it is limited to 5 devices. net because it's just easier and faster to use Firstly, I did a ping test to my router. Test should be working in all modern internet browsers. com >> yourlogfile. Then I learned about the ping command line utility and would "ping google. Setup a new plotter to Google DNS separate from your ping test to look at how it routes after your CMD test completes. Every 10-15 seconds, ping spikes to as high as 300ms, and then goes back to Doing a ping test to the server in the same town as yourself will give the lowest result - and Speedtest. Do any of you guys use any ping booster program? A free one if possible would be a great help. Ping Trace - CMD. If you have most packets at say 100ms and ever 30th at 25ms it is going to make you day go badly, but not look that bad on ping. Every single time. And those that aren't maybe issues with home networks. 8 and check the latency. Pinging Amazon will get you entirely out of the Google Datacenters and on to AWS, so if it really is a Google policy issue, this will tell you. My ping is always around 150ms - 260ms on Asia server (and I live in Asia). i’d say around 8? because of one simple issue. EUW: 104. That shows you the response time to each part of your network, then the isp, then other networks and so forth, until it reaches google. 3 EUW - 104. Google is pretty good and choosing the fastest server for you, but I've got a suspicion many of these issues are caused by extreme jitter. es google. com more than speedtest. Don't have a good USA host for you though since I mainly test to 1. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. As a speed test to a server near you should give 6ms to 12ms ping time, not 46. Ping is tested via websockets technology. Ping is always good, 15-50 all the time. That is done by Ookla, SpeedOfMe and Google. The result of the average ping to google. Please feel free to look at these images to have an better understanding of my problem. 2 for testing purpose. This project is an ongoing effort of mine, and I will update the VPN speed test stats weekly to ensure the most up-to-date information is available. Ideally, when you're doing a speed test at the same time as a ping test, the only packets getting dropped should be from the speed test, because that's the traffic flow responsible for the congestion. Around 150 ping aprox. 160. For the tech savvy folks which is more accurate? "Ping reducers" are just VPNs that work on a particular subset of [game] IPs instead of your entire network. 141. Use nslookup instead. did the same test and exchanged google. C. Why? Btw it’s 82 for EU and 225 for NA. But i’m practice I played a bunch of halo and didn’t noticed a big difference. I tried pinging Playstation. 8. bat" to your desktop Double-click to run it It will tell you your average ping over 10 attempts to the server NOTES: The IP address is for NA only. Don't jist run speedtest to your isp's same city server, do international speedtests too, singapore, dubai etc. there are different ones for each region obviously, here there are. What I'm looking for is basic tool that can ping a number of IP's on a custom schedule, ideally emailing an alert on failure. 2. 2 days now trying to diagnose an issue. I hate those moments when I test my ping on a website, think "okay, this will work!" but as soon as I begin the game I get high pings and Ping Spikes, which don't go away, even after restarting the game. My ISP guarantees that if it receives 1gbs of data, it will forward it to me without throttling. net. com/ - open source so yep, free) you can then do ping and latency tests to key hosts/endpoints and get packet loss and other variables in a I need a free (or nearly free) utility because I only need it to track down an issue. 3 I did just discover somebody mentioning bufferbloat so I ran a test and, sure enough, I noticed that I've got ridiculously high loaded latency during upload. 8), but if you're going to be continually hitting it it's just good etiquette to use your own box, IMO. band I wondering if DNS might have to do with that. P Range - 216. Good free ping monitor tool that will send emails? I have ICMP to the public IP working, but every tool I've tried that says it will send emails just doesn't quite work right. Results are close to ICMP ping (via cmd or console). How does ping actually works in practice playing on xbox cloud? EDIT: added cloud for clarification EDIT 2: ok, did the test and I have the same 150ms (number top right) on Halo whether i’m playing locally or cloudly (probably not a word) View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Often, when I notice a drop in the audio the ping meter will turn red, not sure how high it goes since I can't always mouse over it to see the numbers but I've seen 80 or so milliseconds. zabbix. 8 if I just want to ensure connectivity and test latency, but for all intents and purposes, this is a much more thorough test: Invoke-WebRequest https://google. Eventually I started visiting example. Check my comment below! I’m using an ethernet on 1gb speed internet. Another thing people overlook is latency. Has a free option for 100 sensors (read: not 100 devices, 100 sensors. Saw in another thread, someone mentioned Speedtest. My friends and I have tried Ping it with the -t flag to set up a continuous ping. They have a free version for monitoring up to 10 things. They told me that they fixed the issue. I use an exotic Google domain to make sure the domain controller at work doesn't have it in cache: google. 8 should not be used for ping checks and they will drop packets when under load or if they notice too much activity from a single IP. com . 1 and see if you get any spikes. com let's say, it'll ping it just fine because it's pinging the page, not the actual video server. If it's relevant, its from a Aruba WLAN Controler (Aruba7210), ArubaOS Version 6. Google Wifi products include the Nest Wifi and Nest Wifi Pro. 58. 4. 5 providers were chosen for this test. PING, HTTPS and Disk Space sensors on one server = 3 sensors). Please, I wish League of Legends / Riot would have something to test the ping on their Server with. com and i get 100% packet loss (Request timed out) meaning I'm unable to see the latency information. ) I was sick of losing games to lag, sick of entering a custom game just to check my ping and still waiting on that glorious in-client ping checker that was promised to come Soon TM. For that, you hit your windows key on your keyboard, search for 'cmd' to summon the Command Prompt and type in (if you are in NA for example): ping 104. I was having some slow/dropped internet connection issues today, so I tried running a continuous ping test to google. I've had fast. running on windows. If the router has lag, it's the router, pc, or something between them. com -t’ and ran it for a good 4 or 5 minutes. 1 warp or Google's dns. Is there any way I can test my ping to cloud gaming services? I know there are sites to test your ping to Azure and AWS and Google and stuff like that, but what about services such as Shadow? It seems like Shadow in particular might have servers close to my current location. Reset the entire network system (2 Google nests, 1 Router 1 Point, the router is plugged in via Ethernet to my PC. Ping to Google UK Domain. 8 make sure to add -t at the end and let it run for 10 minutes or so control+c will be how you end it. I consistently get results like this from pinging just my router. Give me 100mbps dl/ul with 1ms to any server i connect to over 1gbps with 500ms ping any time. com -UseBasicParsing If you're doing a ping test to 8. On version, my mbps (tested through phone) ranges from 200-360, Wish it just had that good ping like t mobile 😅 Reply reply Discussion about Path of Exile, a free ARPG made by Grinding Gear Games Members Online. If you really need to do it on Windows and can't stand open source or free things, then PRTG. :start time /t >> yourlogfile. Now they say then can ping it and they see their might be packet loss on my firewall hop. Can ping google. PRTG is one choice, I used it in the past and liked. This sends larger unfragmented packets to Google DNS which does respond to ICMP traffic well, and it'll run 500 pings which should give you stats when done. I hope that I've actually described my issue, if not don't be afraid to ask me to clarify something. Smokeping if you like free and are familiar with linux. . I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but I don’t have any issues or lags playing on EU server. com and the Google speed test give me wildly inaccurate results. I usually ping 8. txt date /t >>yourlogfile. I found this Essentially I've been testing a few addresses, Bing, Google, reddit etc etc to great success but i've hit an issue. I have quit genshin for months. If the latency is high to that leave only one device on your network that has almost no activity and do the ping test again. net which gives me an entirely different result. That way you know what the ISP is providing to you. Using ping for checking dns resolving means that you too don't understand how name resolution works. Do not conflate Ping / ICMP with Port 53 DNS traffic / 46ms ping from a speed test is honestly quite bad, there's something wrong, somewhere, finding where could take a lot of poking around. After setting up even the low settings it still lags with ping not coming under 100ms and it gets worse. This should be a more accurate test for actual packet loss. I chose to test NordVPN, Express VPN, and Surfshark speeds as they are the most talked about ones but additionally, PureVPN and ProtonVPN speeds were also tested. A lost packet is how the computer sending data knows to slow down the transmission (or at least stop increasing the transmission speed). Now I have spoken to ISP they said do router reset which I have done. Tried wifi instead of wired. 3 -n 10 -l 550 pause" without the brackets Save As "pingcheck. Hi . 206 - Which says Google LLC. I am from Europe and European servers should have around 32-70ms of ping. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. com rather than Google. Have a button that sets a variable to "noping" or "ping," every time the ping is set to start again have it check the value of that variable, if it is set to "ping" then do all the ping, if it is set to "noping" then do nothing. I am using bsnl, sir. Its only down for seconds, but its enough to be frustrating when playing games. Google has stated multiple times before as has Level3/CenturyLink/Lumen that 4. What I did do though was run the ping directly from CMD and there appears to no spikes in pings whatsoever. It’s entirely possible Google is Basically Google's speed test is giving very random results every few minutes or soone minute download / upload is fantastic with low latency, next few minutes ping is over 200ms, then a few minutes later it's back to 30ms Feel free to use our ping test. What you're actually seeing is the ping time to Toronto. If I ping youtube. (I was expecting a ping under 20 for internet at this speed) I had a technical support from my internet provider try to fix this for me, but it didn't work. You can do this exact same thing using the other servers. Ping. com with iracing. com but not github. This is the UN-OFFICIAL discussion and support group. Does anyone know of a good Apple IOS app (paid or free) that can do a continuous ping each second (instead of sending pings as fast as the network can handle), and has audible alerts when timeouts happen? I'm thinking when I hear the alarm I Easiest would be to ping Amazon. On top of this WTfast has no documentation on their site that backs any of this up and it especially doesn't have any documentation that actually lets third parties test it outside of their software. (I'm oversimplifying it quite a bit. I built it while trying to track down personal network issues with routers (oh Google OnHub why did you Look at setting up Zabbix (https://www. Anything else is paid. You can also see if they were the correct ones, based on the IP every 10 seconds. com and post your result here. You can test it with google by opening a CMD window and typing this: tracert google. I called the customer service about the issue. Google is external, if you have lagg internally it's your wifi/interference. If ping, jitter, and packet loss is acceptable will there be a noticeable difference in gameplay for fast paced games versus running a cord or looking into MoCA adaptors? Just trying to gauge if it’s worth the trouble to try and hardwire or if there is a good test/tests I can do to see if the WiFi will be acceptable. My MacBook and my brother's PC work just fine (under the same WiFi but connected to LAN Cables) but we are required to use a windows laptop so I have to use this So, I decided to run a ping test thru the CMD of my PC. Maybe find a vpn that lets you test ping times before you subscribe? I've personally never gotten better results off my VPN ping-wise for granblue (US midwest) but once or twice i used it to circumvent a broken route on my ISP caused by sharks A dns is what routes your data, so getting a better one would fix the lag And for that, there are many many free and good options. I use ping google. If neither has lag, it's the game. ca -t to consistently see if I have connection, and every once in a while it results in "General Failure" and then also sometimes "Request Timed Out" back to back, then it comes back. I hoped to capture the best of manual ping tests I'll usually hit Google's public DNS (8. Also got better framerate apparently. Hi all You also have a ping test within the IPv6 test website, Cloudfare and Google are great alternatives and you can google "best free DNS servers" and see the pros/cons of those servers besides that, I'd like to contact them with solid proof before they start telling me to restart my computer or unplug my router for 5 minutes. Also, when testing, be sure to choose a server closer to you. I could go without disk space monitoring on the physical server. Normally on the top right you also have the NETWORK status (with the N) if it's orange or red, it's really bad and related to your ping, could make you "blink" (car disapear and come back and can generate crash) Wij willen hier een beschrijving geven, maar de site die u nu bekijkt staat dit niet toe. I need a I would like to know about what is your recommended/favourite app or site for testing internet speed. Low ping on Speed test/ in cmd typing ping www. 5. What makes wifi bad is you can be at 0f of delay and then randomly have a bad spike and cause delay. txt timeout 10 goto start. B. So my girlfriend I made a simple app that lets you check your ping before entering a game by connecting you to riot’s network equipment within a few taps. it just continues to tell me timed out. I've tried different settings and When doing ping tests with different dns servers, I get about 8msec with my isp, 11msec with cloudflare, and 23msec with quad 9. Who Owns I. Like I had a 100meg customer where they used fast. This subreddit is not affiliated or run by Google. For the timeout: IfCondition=MeasurePing > 3000 IfTrueAction=[!HideMeter PingMeter][!ShowMeter PTOMeter] I don't trust anything but ookla speed test. I want to measure my current location ping to different Hetzner data centers. I've gotten Veeam ONE which does everything Solarwinds used to do plus more, except for ping monitoring for our remote office and ping/disk space monitoring for our remaining physical server. I've always heard that a public dns server is more secure than your isp dns. And I tried some ping test site but none of them had a real Pinging. 1. My internet connection is 1gbps, on wifi it is 500mb/s. Tried the epic version instead of steam. I tried many attempts but none of them worked to fix this problem. net is a new website I have been working on to quickly answer if my internet connection is working and if it stays up. 142. Hello, since few days i have problems with my ping in games my Test-netconnection SERVER -port 443 curl/wget SERVER Nmap SERVER Obviously these can all be improved further, but at least checking the your webserver is still webserver'ing greatly reduces the 'WTF' factor when someone else discovers it and your ping alert never fired because the hard drive is full - so ping is A-OK. There are no other ISPs where I live so I have no choice. I think the problem is that 8. Thanks for any help! As the test bypasses the browser, it is free of effects from scripts and such. it google. Open a second command prompt and ping a third party, such as Google, with -t flag as well. (Louisiana) Copy "ping 104. I downloaded the app anyway, but I'm not seeing the option to run a network test without a paid account. Do whatever causes the issue until you lag, then check both commands prompts for latency. If Cloudflare Warp works in your country you can give it a shot, but that's about it for free options. the ping time was 13-17 mostly with a few 20s and one 27, however i got 9 “request timed out” =2% packet loss. NA - 104. com to see how my connection currently doing. What internet speed test do you trust and why? I am getting conflicting test results from Ookla, Testmy. Speed Test to my local server (LONDON) Speed Test to Cologne Germany. I don't need something in place permanently. com". eieb tvlb fjjjc dpcsygo cuxphc hnrx lju dszghy bpiav knk ysfeil mtfzw ianeox omqph vfyw